FAQ - Circles


Mentoring365 Circles is a virtual, informal environment where participants can discover topics, resources, and people to help them in advancing their career goals or converse around specific areas of focus.

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Frequently Asked Questions 

Program Questions

What is a Circle?

Circles are groups of peers who meet around a shared interest to learn from one another. Depending on the size of the Circle, some groups will be discussion based while others will function like online workshops. Each Circle is facilitated by a lead member who is responsible for creating a plan, fostering engagement among members, and ensuring the group achieves its goals.

How does a Circle work?

Members of a Circle can discuss topics on the Mentoring365 platform, organize virtual meetings, create goals, share resources, and connect with one another to expand their network.

How long does a Circle last?

A Circle can last anywhere from a few weeks to a few months, depending on the topic. Members can also adjust, extend, or even repeat a Circle, based on interest and time.

Who can lead a Circle?

Anyone interested in connecting others around a topic can start their own Circle. Mentoring365 admins are available for technical support if you would like to become a Circle lead.

What is the commitment for Circle leads?

The commitment is based on the type of activities they plan to engage members in. Some Circle leads created discussion posts every other week for 3 months. Another Circle lead had one virtual presentation each month and posted follow-up discussion prompts based on those meetings. Circle Leads have flexibility to design a Circle that meets their own and the members’ needs.

How do I join Mentoring365 Circles?

Brand new member: Sign up for Mentoring365 here, and mark 'Yes' to "Are you interested in Circles". Fill out the following Circle interest questions and submit. Once accepted into Mentoring365 you will be automatically added into Circles.
  • Any professional or student in the ESS community can apply to join Mentoring365 and Mentoring365 Circles.
  • Background checks: To ensure an inclusive and secure mentoring environment, all applicants will be screened to verify their identity. For those applying as mentors, we will either confirm their membership with one of the Mentoring365 partner societies or conduct a background check at no charge for applicants. Those applying as mentees may be asked to provide school transcripts or other professional verification.
Already a member of Mentoring365: You can join both! Just update your profile in Mentoring365 to indicate you are interested in Circles and you will receive a message that you have been added to the program within a week.

How to I join or find a circle I'm interested in?

Discover Circles: Once you’ve joined the platform, go to Discover on the left menu (in the hamburger menu) to see browse current circle offerings.  Each Circle has its own topic, structure and schedule which can all be viewed in the description. You can also search and filter through all available Circles to find one that interests you.

Join & Participate: Click the join button on the Circle you are interested in. Some Circles require additional approval, please provide as much information about why you would like to join the Circle. You can join up to 5 circles at a time as a member.   

Platform/Technical Questions

If I forgot my password, how can I retrieve it?

On the Login page, click the Forgot password link under the Keep me signed in checkbox. Enter your registered email address and click the Submit button. Instructions to reset your password will be emailed to you.

How do I contact the administrator?

Logged in: Click the Contact Admin link in the panel on the left of the page OR click your profile picture on the top right then click Contact Admin. Enter the Subject and Message and click Send Message. Alternatively, click here to contact administrators.

Not Logged in/No account: Click Contact Administrator at the top right of the page, provide your Name and Email, enter you message and click Send Message. Alternatively, click here to contact administrators.

Can I reply to a message from the mentoring program by email?

You can reply to messages via email and your reply will be routed back through the program. Your reply will be posted in your inbox, and the recipient will be notified by email. Attachments/files cannot be sent via reply to messages, instead directly email attachments or log into the platform to send attachments or files.

What browsers are supported?

Mobile device: You can visit Mentoring365 on your mobile browser or download the Chronus app in the Apple or Android store.  
Web browsers: Mentoring365 works on the following browsers.  
  • Internet Explorer (IE) Version 11 – Click here to download the latest version 
  • Mozilla Firefox Version 30 and above – Click here to download the latest version 
  • Google Chrome Version 40 and above – Click here to download the latest version 
  • Safari Version 8 and 9 – Click here to download the latest version