Welcome to Mentoring365!

Join us now to develop professional connections with others in the Earth and space sciences who can help you advance your skills.

What is Mentoring365?

Mentoring365 is a virtual, year-round mentoring program that connects those in the Earth and Space Sciences to exchange ideas, create connections and build a more inclusive community. It's free to join and open to all, regardless of career level!

Career Growth  Networking  Skill Development

About Us

Customize your Mentoring Experience!

Your mentorship experience can be customized to fit your own needs and availability. Choose from long-term (3-month) mentoring, flash mentoring, or peer group mentoring called Circles. See our Mentoring Tracks below for more information.

1:1 or group mentoring  Online or in-person  1-time or 3-months

Sign Up and Join!

I could understand some of her challenges because I was also exposed to some of them being a woman in the field. It was interesting to see someone facing the same situation that I have been through.

– Mentor in Mentoring365 


Long-term and one-time mentoring

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A group of people discuss around a table, one person is viewing the Mentoring365 website on a laptop

Mentoring365 Circles 

Peer group mentoring

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Two people looking at a laptop together, in discussion

Mentoring365 Live 

 Flash mentoring at conferences

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Keeping growing your skills to lead and participate in a diverse, inclusive, and just ESS community!

Mentoring365 is committed to maintaining a safe, supportive and inclusive environment for all. This experience starts by verifying the identity of all new members through affiliation with a partner society or a background screening. Mentoring365 staff is available at any time to respond to any issues.


Our partner organizations make Mentoring365 possible. See our partners here.

Partners Page


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