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Current undergraduate and graduate students as well as early career professionals are eligible.


Mentees and mentors are expected to meet for at least one 30-minute session during Fall Meeting. It is up to both the mentor and the mentee to decide whether or not they wish to continue communicating after the Ocean Sciences Meeting. Mentees are also expected to fill out an online evaluation survey after the program.


Once your application is approved, mentees are able to review and select their preferred mentor. Program outcomes are best reached with open communication. Within a week of selecting your mentor, mentees should reach out to their mentor to introduce themselves. Schedule a time during the Ocean Sciences Meeting to meet with your mentor. Mentees are asked to meet with their mentor for at least one 30 minute in-person mentoring session. Mentors and mentees are welcome to schedule more sessions through the Meeting.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I choose a mentor? First complete your profile with information on what help you are looking for. You will be recommended a few mentors that have experience in the areas you are looking to receive feedback. You can also browse through the list of mentors and send a request to your preferred mentor. Take care not to overly limit your pool of mentors by narrowing the type of background a mentor has. Many skills are applicable across multiple disciplines. The most important facet of mentoring pairs is a personality match rather than similar professional backgrounds or interests.
  • How long will I be matched with my mentor? We ask our mentoring partners to meet for at least one 30-minute mentoring session during the Ocean Sciences Meeting. Mentors and mentees are welcome to schedule more sessions through the Meeting.
  • Relationship is not going well or I am concerned about membership, what should I do? We encourage you to contact your mentor to let them know about the situation. Contact the program administrator immediately. We will provide our full support to resolve the situation in a positive and satisfactory manner.

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Mentee DO's

  2. Understand what you want from the mentoring relationship and communicate your goals and aspirations to your mentor. Balance a personal and professional relationship with your mentor.
  3. PUT THE TIME WITH YOUR MENTOR TO THE BEST USE. Come to your meeting prepared with planned topics.
  4. Set aside time for the mentoring process and keep all scheduled appointments with your mentor and display professional behavior.
  5. Respond in a timely manner to your mentor's feedback. Respond to emails from your mentor at most two days after receipt.
  6. Be open and honest with your mentor about your challenges and areas of weakness. 
  7. If something concerning the mentor needs to be discussed with others, it should first be discussed within the mentoring relationship.

Mentee DON'Ts

  1. Ask for advice on everything. Have a purpose in each request.
  2. Blame the mentor if his or her advice doesn't work out.
  3. Expect the mentor to know all the answers.
  4. Commit yourself to obligations you cannot keep.
  5. Cancel meetings/visits with your mentor at the last minute.